Category: 225 Butcher, Meat Salesman
Number of persons in each Category
IdCategory 1841185118611871188118911901
225Butcher, Meat Salesman18262726253442
Category: 225 Butcher, Meat Salesman
4922Augustus Wm. Adams( b. 1857)1881Butcher
8556Charles Henry Adams( b. 1889)1911Butcher's Assistant
773William Adnams( b. 1834)1851Butcher's Boy
2285William Hy Amey( b. 1859)1881Butcher
8509Frederick Appleton( b. 1877)1911Butcher (Journeyman)
6433Albert G Apted( b. 1887)1901Butcher
6866William Avery( b. 1875)1891Butcher
5673James Ayres( b. 1847)1861Butcher's Boy
10110Walter James Ayres( b. 1897)1911Butcher
4864George Tom Barrett( b. 1846)1871Butcher
6205Albert Bartlett( b. 1873)1891Butcher
8552George Bedingfield( b. 1889)1911Butcher
6825Alfred E Bell Chambers( b. 1862)1891Butcher
3041Alfred Benford( b. 1846)1861Pork Butcher's Assistant
722Mary Bennett( b. 1791)1841Butcher
976George Bennett( b. 1886)1901Butcher's Boy
8649Samuel John Bennett( b. 1871)1911Butcher & Provisions
874Francis J Bent( b. 1837)1861Butcher
8Thos Binfield( b. 1796)1841Butcher
166Thomas Binfield( b. 1832)1851Butcher
166Thomas C Binfield( b. )1851Butcher
187Thomas Binfield( b. 1833)1861Butcher
187Thomas Cobb Binfield( b. )1861Butcher
243Thomas Binfield( b. 1832)1871Butcher
1166Francis Bint( b. 1837)1871Butcher
5082Francis J. Bint( b. 1838)1881Butcher (Journeyman)
5257Francis J Bint( b. 1837)1901Butcher
5186Francis J Bint( b. 1875)1901Butcher
9463Francis John Bint( b. 1876)1911Butcher (Journeyman)
5632Arthur Bisley( b. 1845)1861Butcher
829James Blackall( b. 1816)1841Butcher
5620James Blackall( b. 1817)1851Butcher
3534Richard Blackall( b. 1824)1851Butcher
5676James Blackall( b. 1814)1861Butcher
184Richard Blackall( b. 1824)1861Butcher
5873Henry Blackall( b. 1840)1871Butcher
8565Archie Blackall( b. 1895)1911Butcher
5795Edward Bollon( b. 1827)1861Butcher
6620Edward Bolton( b. 1827)1851Butcher
6211Henry Bolton( b. 1853)1891Butcher
6458Henry Bolton( b. 1853)1901Butcher
9606Frank Bond( b. 1890)1911Butcher
9607George Bond( b. 1885)1911Butcher
5819Richard Bradby( b. 1847)1871Butcher
5087Richard J. Bradby( b. 1847)1881Butcher
3095Richard Broad( b. 1851)1871Butcher (Journeyman)
5112Joseph Broad( b. 1848)1881Butcher's Assistant
3227Joseph Broad( b. 1848)1891Butcher & Farmer
3316Albert Broad( b. 1878)1901Butcher
3316Joseph Broad( b. 1848)1901Butcher
4404Samuel C Brown( b. 1865)1891Butcher
7068Charles R Brown( b. 1888)1901Butcher's Boy
8691Charles Brown( b. 1889)1911Butcher
8568Thomas Alfred Brown( b. 1883)1911Butcher (Journeyman)
8706Sydney Buckett( b. 1892)1911Butcher
4635Edwin Bulloch( b. 1832)1881Butcher
177Edwin Bullock( b. 1832)1861Butcher
2715Edwin Bullock( b. 1832)1871Butcher
2815Edwin Bullock( b. 1832)1891Butcher
315Simon Burgess( b. 1813)1881Pork Butcher
2526Harry I Burley( b. 1881)1901Butcher's Assistant
711John Casey( b. 1796)1841Butcher
773John Casey( b. 1824)1851Butcher
7745William J Castle( b. 1877)1901Butcher's Assistant
9233Isaac James Clarke( b. 1893)1911Pork Butcher's Shop Assistant
6934Charles Clinch( b. 1868)1891Butcher's Assistant
7134Charles Clinch( b. 1868)1901Butcher (Journeyman)
184John Collins( b. 1842)1861Butcher's Labourer
7668Thomas Cook( b. 1869)1891Butcher
2504Frederick Cook( b. 1864)1901Butcher
6404John Cook( b. 1850)1901Butcher
9589John Cook( b. 1850)1911Butcher
5186Harry Cross( b. 1883)1901Butcher
8984Arthur Davis( b. 1873)1911Master Butcher
7391John Deane( b. 1845)1861Butcher's Boy
3992Alfred W Dee( b. 1873)1901Butcher
8896Alfred William Dee( b. 1873)1911Pork Butcher
6943Simon Denton( b. 1864)1891Butcher
4148James Dobson( b. 1816)1841Butcher
7286James Dobson( b. 1815)1851Butcher
4806Sophia Dobson( b. 1820)1861Butcher
10084George Dove( b. 1866)1911Butcher
3095Emily J East( b. 1852)1871Butcher's Cashier
5857Thomas Emery( b. 1836)1871Butcher
5146Thomas A Farley( b. 1870)1901Butcher's Shop Manager
7755James Freeman( b. 1865)1911Butcher
10070Walter Fulk( b. 1886)1911Butcher's Assistant
8667Gilbert John Gilkes( b. 1864)1911Butcher
5819John Gilks( b. 1843)1871Butcher
6137Gilbert J. Gilks( b. 1868)1881Butcher's Boy
3892Gilbert Gilks( b. 1866)1901Butcher
3Robert Gill( b. 1801)1841Butcher
7156Ernest W Good( b. 1861)1901Bacon Smoker
5729Henry Gose( b. 1842)1861Butcher
4952Elizabeth Gough( b. 1860)1891Butcher
4952Henry Gough( b. 1860)1891Butcher
5543Charles Gove( b. 1816)1851Butcher's Labourer
2074Edward Gray( b. 1887)1901Butcher's Boy
4896George Gregory( b. 1856)1871Butcher's Assistant
4282Charles Hambelton( b. 1850)1881Butcher
4474Alfred T Hamblin( b. 1882)1901Butcher
6873Charles Hamilton( b. 1851)1891Butcher
3893Thomas Hancock( b. 1883)1901Butcher's Assistant
9922Thomas Hancock( b. 1883)1911Butcher's Shop Manager
9668William O Hara( b. 1848)1911Butcher
6687Henry Harding( b. 1802)1861Butcher
4864Edward Harris( b. 1858)1871Butcher's Boy
4868Gilbert Hawes( b. 1857)1871Butcher
4239Gilbert Hawes( b. 1858)1881Butcher
6817Gilbert Hawes( b. 1858)1891Butcher
5148Gilbert Hawes( b. 1858)1901Butcher
9991Gilbert Hawes( b. 1858)1911Butcher's Shopman
2885Richard Hawkins( b. 1801)1841Butcher
1835Robt Hayes( b. 1864)1881Butcher
9907Albert Frank Heath( b. 1881)1911Butcher (Journeyman)
9579Harry Heckman( b. 1893)1911Butcher's Assistant
9530Leonard Maurice Herbert( b. 1892)1911Shop Assistant (Ironmonger's)
8663Daniel Thomas Hill( b. 1873)1911Butcher
3606Charles Hiscock( b. 1845)1861Butcher
10074Charles Holland( b. 1886)1911Butcher
9815Percy George Hollester( b. 1893)1911Butcher's Shop Assistant
154William Horsley( b. 1828)1851Butcher
2878James House( b. 1811)1841Male Servant & Butcher
2371Samuel House( b. 1809)1851Butcher (Journeyman)
6255Samuel Hughes( b. 1871)1891Butcher
2075Harry Hughes( b. 1882)1901Butcher
8535Richard Hughes( b. 1863)1911Butcher
8930William Hunts( b. 1885)1911Butcher's Assistant
5589Robert Ivermee( b. 1836)1851Butcher
5832Thomas Jemmett( b. 1850)1871Butcher
6202Arthur Jemmett( b. 1876)1891Butcher's Lad
170Abraham Jerman( b. 1811)1851Butcher's Assistant
8Abraham Jermyn( b. 1796)1841Butcher (Journeyman)
6898Ernest Jones( b. 1874)1891Butcher & Ostler
6898Henry Jones( b. 1867)1891Butcher & Ostler
5178Joseph Jones( b. 1884)1901Pork Butcher's Assistant
9958Joseph H Jones( b. 1882)1911Pork Butcher's Shop Assistant
8470Walter George Judge( b. 1887)1911Butcher's Assistant
3864Fredrick Keene( b. 1884)1901Butcher
4945Tom Ely Key( b. 1859)1891Butcher
187Samuel Kine( b. 1843)1861Slaughterman
6075Samuel King( b. 1863)1881Butcher's Labourer
6028Robert T. Langman( b. 1860)1881Butcher
3015Edwin I Lansy( b. 1826)1861Butcher
3016Hannah Lansy( b. 1785)1861Butcher (Retired)
3227Ernest Lapping( b. 1874)1891Butcher's Assistant
7152Charles V Leader( b. 1888)1901Butcher's Boy
4560Stephen Leaver( b. 1827)1851Butcher
1775Stephen Leaver( b. 1827)1871Butcher
4805Alfred Lester( b. 1840)1861Butcher
241Alfred Pearse Lester( b. 1840)1871Butcher
241Charles Lester( b. 1849)1871Butcher (Journeyman)
296Alfred P Lester( b. 1840)1881Butcher
296Edward Lester( b. 1862)1881Butcher's Labourer
337Alfred Pearse Lester( b. 1840)1891Butcher
337Walter Lester( b. 1870)1891Butcher's Assistant
2096Harry A D Lester( b. 1885)1901Butcher
372Walter Lester( b. 1870)1901Butcher
9358Walter Lester( b. 1871)1911Butcher
6193Robert Lewendon( b. 1865)1891Butcher
4723John Lewington( b. 1796)1841Butcher
4768John Lewington( b. 1793)1851Butcher
5793Thos Lewington( b. 1795)1861Butcher
6784James Little( b. 1853)1891Butcher
4076John Lovejoy( b. 1821)1841Butcher
3524John Lovejoy( b. 1817)1851Butcher
7455William E Lovejoy( b. 1853)1871Butcher's Man
6822George Lovejoy( b. 1862)1891Butcher
7190George Lovejoy( b. 1862)1901Butcher
9599George Lovejoy( b. 1862)1911Butcher
9599Walter Lovejoy( b. 1894)1911Butcher
3111George Lovelock( b. 1815)1871Butcher (Late)
3156George Lovelock( b. 1816)1881Butcher (Retired)
976George W Lovelock( b. 1847)1901Butcher
6420Harry Lovelock( b. 1872)1901Butcher
9569Frank Lovelock( b. 1878)1911Butcher
9862James Lovelock( b. 1850)1911Butcher (Shopkeeper)
8800Robert Lucking( b. 1886)1911Butcher's Manager
9092Arthur Lunnon( b. 1876)1911Butcher (Journeyman)
3769Alfred Machin( b. 1875)1891Butcher
335Gabriel Machin( b. 1836)1891Butcher
335Gabriel Machin( b. 1865)1891Butcher's Assistant
5191Alfred Machin( b. 1875)1901Butcher
3308Edward Machin( b. 1877)1901Butcher
371Gabriel Machin( b. 1865)1901Butcher
9032Alfred Machin( b. 1875)1911Master Butcher
8620Edward Machin( b. 1877)1911Butcher
8797Edward Norman Machin( b. 1894)1911Butcher's Assistant
8620Emily Evans Machin( b. 1877)1911Butcher's Assistant
8797Gabriel Machin( b. 1865)1911Butcher
8797Gabriel Machin( b. 1892)1911Butcher's Assistant
5222Albert Manley( b. 1888)1901Butcher's Boy
6110John Martin( b. 1841)1881Butcher
9906Herbert Mattingley( b. 1886)1911Manager Of Butcher Shop
9493James Edward Meason( b. 1893)1911Butcher
4329Alfred Merricks( b. 1876)1891Butcher
9637Walter Morris( b. 1889)1911Butcher
9909John James Neal( b. 1868)1911Butcher (Journeyman)
1606John Wm Neville( b. 1844)1861Butcher's Boy
8628William Ernest Osborne( b. 1894)1911Butcher
883George Pacey( b. 1851)1871Butcher
9530George James Palmer( b. 1869)1911Butcher (Journeyman)
8287Jonas Parsons( b. 1801)1851Pork Butcher
2663William Phillips( b. 1834)1861Butcher
6138James Pike( b. 1850)1881Butcher
8706Fred Pike( b. 1886)1911Butcher
4518Alfred Pither( b. 1861)1901Pork Butcher & Baker
10073Bernard Preece( b. 1894)1911Butcher's Assistant
9250Charles Richings( b. 1868)1911Butcher
6161Charles Robbins( b. 1840)1881Butcher
3819Frederick Charles Robbins( b. 1866)1891Butcher (Journeyman)
2092Frederick C Robbins( b. 1866)1901Butcher (Journeyman)
1037William Robins( b. 1811)1841Butcher
6225Charles Robins( b. 1841)1891Butcher
10106Frederick Rudd( b. 1892)1911Butcher (Journeyman)
9449Charles Jesse Salter( b. 1893)1911Butcher's Assistant
2878Frederick Sandy( b. 1786)1841Butcher
2371Edwin Sandy( b. 1827)1851Butcher's Assistant
2371Frederick Sandy( b. 1787)1851Butcher
3095Edwin J Sandy( b. 1826)1871Butcher
6786Edwin Sandy( b. 1833)1891Butcher
6309John Sargeant( b. 1853)1891Butcher
7070Harry Saul( b. 1880)1901Butcher
9105H J Saunders( b. 1875)1911Butcher
3156Amos Searey( b. 1853)1881Butcher
2916Joseph Sharp( b. 1796)1841Pork Butcher
3474Joseph Sharp( b. 1822)1851Butcher & Grocer
3595Joseph Sharp( b. 1822)1861Butcher
2965Joseph Sharpe( b. 1794)1851Pork Butcher
4793David Shaw( b. 1835)1851Butcher
4793Thomas Shaw( b. 1829)1851Butcher
5351James Shelton( b. 1807)1841Butcher
8180Henry G Simmonds( b. 1872)1901Butcher
9485Henry George Simmonds( b. 1872)1911Butcher
9485Kate Florence Simmonds( b. 1877)1911Butcher's Assistant
1579Samuel Smith( b. 1816)1851Butcher
8588Frederick W Smith( b. 1875)1911Pork Butcher's Shop Assistant
7639John Sneyd( b. 1815)1891Butcher
5963James Sparks( b. 1851)1871Butcher
4924Arthur Clifford Stoker( b. 1865)1881Butcher
3015Septimus Stratton( b. 1836)1861Butcher's Assistant
5112Frank Tame( b. 1858)1881Butcher's Assistant
712George Thomson( b. 1821)1841Butcher
4576Daniel Tomlin( b. 1828)1851Butcher
5902James Tomlin( b. 1851)1871Butcher
8733Albert Trimmins( b. 1893)1911Butcher
8226William Underwood( b. 1882)1901Butcher
232Thomas Usher( b. 1807)1861Butcher & Beer House Keeper
288Frederick Webb( b. 1854)1871Butcher
6000Frederick Webb( b. 1853)1881Butcher
8736Thomas W Weller( b. 1897)1911Butcher's Boy
6636John Werwold( b. 1796)1851Butcher
1144Harry C Westbrook( b. 1844)1861Butcher
7188Frank Whittamore( b. 1872)1901Butcher (Journeyman)
2286Frederick Wingrave( b. 1831)1881Pork Butcher
4980John Wiswold( b. 1793)1871Butcher
3364John Wiswoold ( b. 1801)1841Butcher
1070Richard Wood( b. 1811)1841Butcher
1186Thomas W Yates( b. 1842)1871Butcher (Journeyman)
4627George Young( b. 1864)1881Butcher
6529Charles E Young( b. 1887)1901Butcher's Lad
8856Charles Ernest Young( b. 1887)1911Butcher
8855Thomas Herbert Young( b. 1893)1911Butcher